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Legislative SnapShot


President - Sen Matt Regier

Majority Leader - Sen Tom McGillvray

President Pro Tempore - Sen Ken Bogner

Minority Leader - Sen Pat Flowers

Majority Whips - Sen Dennis Lenz , Sen Daniel Zolnikov, Sen Barry Usher

Minority Whips - Sen Shane Morigeau, Sen Laura Smith, Sen Susan Webber


Republicans: 32

Democrats: 18



Speaker - Rep Brandon Ler

Majority Leader - Rep Steve Fitzpatrick

Speaker Pro Tempore - Rep Katie Zolnikov

Minority Leader - Rep Katie Sullivan

Minority Caucus Leader - Rep Alice Buckley

Majority Whips  -  Rep Amy Regier, Rep Braxton Mitchell, Rep Jed Hinkle, Rep Marta Bertoglio

Minority Whips -  Rep SJ Howell, Rep Tyson Running Wolf, Rep Melissa Romano


Republicans: 59

Democrats: 41

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