2025 Bad Bills to Watch
LC1238 Revise laws to require bicycle license plates.
Essmann (R)
Comments: This bill is simply more government, requiring more enforcement officers and paperwork and penalties. Hmmm, will be interesting to see how they propose to chase down the mountain bikers.
LC1383 Provide for Drivers Privilege Card
Stafman (D)
Comments: Watch this one for sure.....
LC1603 Resolution for Article V of US Constitution convention of states
Klakken (R)
Comments: This is the 3rd session that this bill has been introduced. There is danger in the use of Art V. Many people want to attack this precious document, and the potential risk is too high to open it up.
LC2234 Establish a Montana state Bank
Sharp (R)
LC3168 Study the Establishment of a Montana state Bank
Olson (D)
Comments: Simple question - WHY?
LC3797 Repeal the ban on same sex marriage
Zephyr (D)
Comments: There will likely be a lot of NO votes on this one.
LC4231 Resolution supporting DC Statehood
Carter (D)
Comments: DC statehood is the baddest of ideas for our great country
SB0004 Revise taxation of homesite on certain agricultural property
Beard (R)
Comments: This bill is aimed at ag folks by creating an imaginary 1 ac parcel under their homes and taxing it like it is a 1 ac lot in a subdivision. All being done at a time when the auditors have found that there are untaxed new construction projects across MT totally $1.2B! (How can lawmakers claim to be fostering growth when they are slapping taxes on ag businesses that are already struggling?)
SJ0004 Joint resolution calling for convention of the states to require a balanced budget
Noland (R)
Comments: This is the 3rd session that this bill has been introduced. There is danger in the use of Art V. Many people want to attack this precious document, and the potential risk is too high to open it up.
HB0027 Remove automatic agricultural classification for certain parcels
Essmann (R)
Comments: This bill has a lot of negative impact on smaller acreage farms and ranches, that IF PASSED could cause ag owners to get hammered with new taxes, WHILE trying to 'sell wholesale while buying retail'.
HB0133 Require hunter reporting of hunting activity
Cochran (R)
Comments: Yikes, the next thing you know, will be the FWP going on the hunt with you!